Questions with Katie Van Slyke about her farm and animals.

FAQ About Our Farm and Animal Adventures: Everything You Need to Know

Welcome to this FAQ-style blog post, inspired by our latest Q+A video featuring insightful questions from our audience across Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. We hope this answers some of your burning questions about our animals, plans, and farm life! Let's dive right in.

1. Would You Ever Consider Finding Winston a Lady Friend?

Winston, our beloved pig, is not intact—he was castrated when he was young. At his current age, Winston is quite content being the only pig on the farm, and he's not a fan of other animals. Although we're not against adding more pigs in the future, it's unlikely while Winston is still around. For now, Winston enjoys his solo status!

2. Are You Going to Get a Giraffe?

While the idea of having a giraffe is fun, it's not practical. Instead, we prefer to enjoy visiting giraffes at places where they're well cared for, like wildlife sanctuaries. Think of it like having a niece; you get all the cuddles and love without the long-term responsibility. Plus, building proper enclosures in Tennessee would be quite a challenge.

3. What is Your Dream Animal Interaction Without Consequences?

If danger and regulations weren't an issue, I would love to swim with and snuggle a manatee. These gentle sea cows are incredibly sweet, and although it's illegal to touch them in most places because of the risk of injury from boats, I dream of giving them some love. Fun fact: my great-grandmother adored manatees and even had a favorite one she'd feed in Florida, making this dream interaction feel like a family tradition.

4. Would You Ever Consider Having Llamas?

I've had friends with llamas, and although they’re charming, they’re also high-maintenance. Between needing regular shearing, health issues, and their notorious habit of spitting, they aren’t the low-maintenance animals we prefer on our farm. For now, llamas aren’t in our plans, but who knows what the future holds?

5. Do You Plan to Breed Denver and Happy?

Yes, we're considering breeding Denver to Happy, but it depends on a few factors, like Happy's future as a recipient mare. If a breeding opportunity aligns, it's something we'd definitely entertain. We also have plans to breed Denver to other mares like Annie and Erlene next year, and we'll collect Denver for breeding in November. Our breeding program is always evolving based on the needs and strengths of our mares.

6. Will Denver Be Coming to Your Farm, or Will He Stay in Texas?

Denver and Waylon will remain in Texas for now. Denver needs to be close to High Point for his training and collection, and the facilities there offer what he needs to succeed. It's hard not to see him every day, but I'm confident he's getting the best care, which is most important.

7. What Do You Think of the Latest Season of Bridgerton? Are You a Colin Fan?

I haven't finished the last episode yet, so no spoilers! While Colin isn't my favorite character, I appreciate the overall Bridgerton vibe. I enjoy period dramas and anything set in a historical or fantasy setting. Shows like Game of Thrones, Vikings, and even classics like Twilight and Lord of the Rings are my go-to entertainment.

8. What's Your Five-Year Plan for Running Springs and Your Mini Farm?

We're growing rapidly, and more land is definitely on the horizon, though it might not happen within the next five years. The dream includes moving to a larger property and possibly building a house. However, I've learned to let things unfold naturally; sometimes the best plans are the ones you don't make.

9. Would You Ever Do a Meet and Greet in the UK?

I'd love to visit the UK, but probably not just for a meet and greet. If an opportunity arose to collaborate with another equestrian content creator, then a meet and greet could be on the cards. So, if you have ideas, let us know; we're always open to making connections!

10. Who Are the Top Stallions You'd Breed to Right Now?

Currently, my favorite stallions include:

-Good Better Best: An incredible sire, responsible for some of our best foals like Hank and Daphne.

-Allocate Your Assets: Known for producing offspring with unmistakable movement and presence.

-Easy on the Eyes: A rising star in Hunter Under Saddle with promising progeny.

-Unbridle Your Dreams: A young, promising stallion with great potential.

-Making Me Willy Wild: Known for exceptional front leg movement and versatility.

These stallions represent the best matches for our mares, offering unique bloodlines and great athletic potential.

11. Why Do Quarter Horses Carry Their Heads So Low?

The low head carriage trend in Quarter Horses is about control and collection. While lower levels may sometimes overdo it, high-level shows now enforce head height regulations to ensure horses are performing in a balanced, collected manner. Achieving that perfect posture is challenging, but when done right, it looks elegant and controlled.

12. Who Are the New Barn Gals?

Our team has grown with the addition of Rachel and Alyssa. Rachel helps manage the barn, track vet visits, and handle the young horses, while Alyssa focuses on daily chores like feeding and cleaning. Together, they keep our barn running smoothly, and we’re so grateful to have them on board.

13. Do You Miss Doing Makeup Tutorials?

I started my social media journey doing makeup tutorials and even worked as a makeup artist at horse shows. While I’ve moved on from that career path, the idea of bringing makeup content back sounds fun! Maybe I’ll do Abigail’s makeup on camera one day—or even convince Nate and Matt to let me give them makeovers!

14. What's the Hardest Part of Your Job?

Managing the farm, content creation, and our breeding program can feel overwhelming. Keeping everything organized and ensuring that all the animals are well-cared for is a constant challenge. Thankfully, we've built an amazing team that helps keep everything running smoothly.

We hope you enjoyed this deep dive into our farm life and answered some of your most asked questions. If you have more questions or ideas for future content, please let us know. Thanks for being part of our journey, see you next time!